9th Power Analysis & Design Symposium 2020
Take the chance to join us for a great day packed with lectures, practical examples and demonstrations by international power supply experts. On the evening prior the symposium you are invited to join our "Open Lab" after work measuring event.

Open Lab: Wednesday, March 4th, 2020, 15:00 - 19:00
Symposium: Thursday, March 5th, 2020, 08:30 - 17:00
Bürgerhaus Eching
Roßbergerstraße 6
85386 Eching (near Munich)
The participation in our symposium is free of charge and includes lunch and refreshments during the breaks.
However, the seats are limited, so you better register sooner than later.
For more information, scroll down or download the flyer.
The registration is closed and our symposium is fully booked. Thank you for your understanding!
Seminar Topics
Building Digital 2-Quadrant Multi-Loop Control Systems
by Andreas Reiter - Microchip Technology
Systems powered by renewable energies, the requirement of backup power or the continuously growing number of wireless, mobile applications push the need for efficient, cost-effective and highly flexible energy storage front-end converters. Most battery powered systems today are tailored to a specific energy storage type relying on the availability of a specific energy storage unit. Thus, dealing with supply shortages during product lifetime becomes challenging and improvements in technology cannot be applied without conducting a fundamental system redesign. This lecture introduces the design and validation process of a digitally controlled 2-quadrant (bi-directional) energy storage front-end converter control system used to charge, discharge, monitor and manage an attached energy storage, effectively resulting in a self-managed, intelligent, chemistry-agnostic power bank design, which can be dynamically adjusted and controlled by higher system management layers to tailor the power bank performance characteristic to system-specific needs, operating conditions or user demands.

Counterfeit Components - Serious Threat for Electronic Assemblies
by Petr Neumann - Tomas Bata University in Zlín
The counterfeit electronic components spreading and infiltration in electronic assemblies is a pandemic problem and it has been increasing dramatically since about new millennium beginning. This treatise gives an overview of counterfeit components facts including their background, possible features, and basic methods for component authenticity assessment. The published common examples illustrate the problem, and the higher emphasis lays on power electronic components. The results of university own laboratory analyze examples complement the idea of counterfeit component threat in case there is no measures how to identify them, and filter them away from application.

Do it (up)-right
by Axel Schmidt - KEMET Electronics
From a fancy idea born in a pub to a new form factor of multilayer ceramic capacitors. Simply changing the orientation of a chip can improve the efficiency by 100% for the MLCC. Modern equipment like the Bode 100 offers proof of concept thru all design stages. With the new connection technology, TLPS offers a leadless stack with lower ESL, lower ESR and improved ripple current capability that can lead to 30°C drop in temperature..

Easy Step-by-Step Guide to SEPIC design
by Dr. Ali Shirsavar
In this session we will demonstrate a simple step-by-step method for SEPIC control loop design. SEPIC's transfer function is extremely complex and therefore instead of presenting these long mathematical equations, the session presents how a practicing engineer could accurately stabilize the loop without resorting to complex mathematics. The session concludes with practical demonstrations and results. To make the most of the session we highly recommend that the delegates download a free version of Biricha WDS in advance of the session from www.biricha.com/wds

Ground - the Potential Disturber
by Thomas Eichstetter - EMV-Kurs.de
Ground is often used as a trash can for all possible currents. It is forgotten that there are also voltage drops due to current changes. If the mass is not properly planned, disturbers arise which leave the circuit and will be radiated. To avoid this, the difference between potential reference and equipotential bonding is demonstrated cleary and a simple solution to this problem will be presented.

High Bs Ferrite Material Development with high Tc for high Power Applications
by JC Sun - Bs&T Frankfurt am Main GmbH
The next generation of Wide Band Gap semiconductors must be accompanied with the next generation of passive components, particularly magnetic components, compatible with high frequency under pulsation. High saturation and low power losses under pulse excitation and relatively high temperatures are required. The most recent development of ferrite material with decent dopants and well controlled process enlarges the application potential of ferrite material for high power and high power density application, and exhibits as interesting alternative to magnetic alloyed powdered material, due to its excellent loss properties, being ceramic. In combination of powder metallurgical capability for large sized monolith shaped core, the workable magnetic flux can be maximized for high power application, and the thermal stability can be improved with higher Curie temperature, for instance over 600 Kelvin.
The highest Bs recipe is well of interest for MHz application, due to Snoek’s law, which the ferromagnetic resonance frequency is proportional to saturation magnetization Ms, the resistivity of grain and grain boundary management is not only the task of chemical composition, but also challenge of process management from morphological aspect.

Impedance Measurement Setups for Components and Modules under DC-bias
by Melanie Klenner (K&K Prime Engineering) & Joanne Wu (Würth Elektronik)
How do you achieve accurate and realistic measurements to support your design? Simulations and calculations are an important step in your electrical design however this is mostly done with nearly idealistic or approximated impedance values for the chosen components. To achieve a reliable design you also need to make sure the components and modules are behaving as supposed under real condition like DC-bias and layout design. Here we look into two different measurement setups that reconstruct these electrical environments to provide realistic results over a broad frequency range. One is an impedance measurement fixture with DC-bias up to 20A or high-voltage for specific component types and one is a broad application fixture for diverse components and modules up to 5A/50V. To show some examples, we combine the measurement setup with the Bode 100.

Seminar Partners

Open Lab

Join our Open Lab after your daily work is done. We will have several measurement benches ready for you, where we can measure loop stability, PSRR, output impedance and more...
So come whenever you want, have a beer, bring your power supplies and do some great measurements with us.
The Lab will be open on March 4th from 15:00 - 19:00.
Travel & Hotel information
The journey time from the airport is approx. 20 minutes by car and approx. 15 minutes by S-Bahn.
From the central railway station, the journey time by S-Bahn is approx. 30 minutes. The S-Bahn station "Eching" is within walking distance from the Bürgerhaus Eching.
If you travel by car, you can find a parking garage approx. 100 meters away from the Seminar venue.
You can find a route map here or in the download area.
Accommodation proposals (within walking distance):
Hotel Angermeier Eching
Hotel Hoeckmayr
Echinger Hof
Hotel Huberwirt
Golden Tulip Hotel Olymp
If you need help, please contact us: katharina.dunst[at]omicron-lab.com
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